Criminal Charges in Cedar Grove
As you might have assumed, the crime rate in Cedar Grove is quite low. In 2012, there were only two aggravated assaults, 19 burglaries, 69 thefts and 7 vehicle thefts reported. There was no violate crimes like murder, robbery or rape reported. The vast majority of the approximately 500 criminal charges issued each year fall within the category of disorderly persons offenses. This would include offenses like harassment, possession of marijuana, simple assault, and disorderly conduct. While a disorderly persons offense is categorized as a misdemeanor as opposed to a felony (i.e. indictable crime) and is handled in the Cedar Grove Municipal Court, it can result in as much as six (6) months in jail and gives rise to a 2C record that can follow a person around forever. In most cases, however, our attorneys can avoid a conviction to this type of charge.
Cedar Grove Municipal Court Information:
Cedar Grove Municipal Court
525 Pompton Avenue, Cedar Grove NJ 07009
973-239-1410 x. 207; fax 973-239-0312
Judge: Honorable Nicholas S. Brindisi, JMC
Court Administrator: Sally Navilio-Gray, CMCA
Court Sessions: 1st & 4th Weds. at 1 PM; 2nd & 3rd Weds. at 5 PM
Official Website: http://www.cedargrovenj.org/site/index.php/municipal-services/municipal-court
Traffic Offense in Cedar Grove Municipal Court
The municipal court also presides on all motor vehicle tickets/summonses issued by the Cedar Grove Police Department or State Troopers patrolling State Highway Route 23 or other roadways in the town. Although speeding tickets are probably the most common traffic summons heard in the municipal court, it also presides over its share of DWI, driving while suspended/revoked, no insurance, and more serious infractions. A conviction for most motor vehicle violations results in points, significant fines and the potential for escalation in insurance rates. Many tickets can also result in suspension of your driving privileges. For example, possession of CDS in a motor vehicle carries a two year license suspension.
Defense Lawyers in Cedar Grove NJ
The importance of an experienced attorney is immeasurable in our opinion. So when you select the lawyer to defend your Cedar Grove charge, make sure he/she has the qualifications and skill to get you the best result. Scrutinize the attorney bios to determine the years of experience and concentration of the attorneys practice in terms of criminal and/or traffic defense. We feel confident that you will want to take advantage of a free consultation with our firm if your objective is real life credentials. A member of our defense team can be reached 24/7 at 973-710-1520.