Felony Indictable Charge Attorneys, Newark NJ
So often, we hear complaints from individuals who previously selected an attorney based on their purported experience only to discover that it was much more limited than was implied. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to take a close look at the qualifications when your researching any attorney, especially the number of years of experience of the candidate, the nature of the prior work, as well as his/her expertise in handling the type of criminal charge confronting you. We are confident that if you engage in any real due diligence in terms of actual credentials, you will come to the conclusion that our Newark NJ firm, The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall, is definitely one that you should contact regarding your indictable crime, disorderly persons offense, or traffic violation. This is what you need to know about our firm.
How Long Has Our Firm Been Defending Criminal Offenses?
The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall was established in 1999 and includes eight (8) criminal and traffic defense attorneys. This team possesses over 100 years of combined experience defending all varieties of violations in Newark and other court systems throughout Essex County. At least four (4) of the lawyers have been practicing for twenty (20) years or more. The other four (4) defense lawyers on our staff have a wide range of experience, including service as prosecutors in New Jersey.
What Type Of Experience Is Possessed By The Lawyers At The Firm?
The attorneys on our team have experience defending anything from multiple homicide and first degree drug trafficking leader cases to basic municipal cases. We make thousands of appearances at the county and municipal level every year, including in the Essex County Superior Court in Newark. One of the former prosecutors on our team even previously served in the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office. Our qualifications are so in depth that we are often consulted by local and national news and television sources for consulting and commentary.
Can We Handle Your First Degree, Second Degree, Third Degree, Fourth Degree or Disorderly Persons Offense?
We can unequivocally stated that there is almost no type of criminal case that we haven’t handled in some capacity in the past. It therefore follows that our staff, which clearly represents one of the largest criminal defense teams in the state, has the ability to effectively defend whatever offense you have been charged with.
Essex Superior Court Defense Lawyers Who Are Ready To Assist You
The best advice that we can give you is to do your research when you are considering who to hire. All too many times, an individual reads some puffy representations on a website and concludes that the attorney(s) have been practicing for a significant period or in a particular area of defense. This is frequently in error if you dig deeper but this is not something you have to question about our firm. With eight (8) attorneys, four (4) with over twenty (20) years experience, and over 100 years of collective experience, we have the knowledge and skill you are seeking. Call us anytime of day for a free consultation.