NJ Prostitution Charge
Prostitution, also referred to interchangeably by some as promoting prostitution, is basically the exchange of something of economic value in return for sexual activity. To prove this offense, the state must establish, beyond reasonable doubt, that there was an offer of sex for something of economic value or acceptance of such an offer and that the defendant’s conduct was purposeful. Prostitution charges come in three (3) grades of severity. The least severe is a prostitution as a disorderly persons offense. This is basically a misdemeanor. A prostitution offense may also come in the form of a felony, specifically, as a third degree crime or fourth degree crime under NJ Law. The following is some of the important characteristics of each class of prostitution violation.
Third Degree & Fourth Degree Prostitution
While a prostitution charge is often heard in municipal court, there are many instances where the offense becomes indictable and gives rise to a fourth degree crime, third degree crime, second degree crime or even a first degree crime. A solicitation or promoting arrest involving a crime falling in any of these grades is heard at the Essex County Superior Court in Newark. A municipal court has no jurisdiction to decide a felony crime including, for example, a third degree prostitution or fourth degree prostitution charge. If you are facing a 2C:34-1 Superior Court charge, you should also know that there is a presumption that you shall go to prison for at least 5-10 years if you knowingly promoted prostitution of someone under 18 years of age or you were promoting your child or dependent to engage in prostitution.
Disorderly Persons Offense Of Soliciting Prostitution
Prostitution or promoting is a disorderly persons offense when he or she is a patron. When this grade applies, an individual exposed to the equivalent of a misdemeanor although a conviction results in a 2C record that we be revealed on a criminal background check. These types of charges are decided in municipal court and can result in up to six (6) months in jail.
Drivers License Suspension
When a motor vehicle is used for purposes of prostitution, the court must impose a drivers license suspension. The mandatory revocation period is six (6) months and the court must collect the defendants drivers license upon conviction.
Essex County Prostitution/Soliciting/Solicitation Defense Attorney
If you were arrested anywhere in Essex County for prostitution, our Newark Sex Crime Defense Lawyers are prepared to put their considerable experience and muscle to work for you. We handle prostitution arising in the following Essex County Municipalities:
Call us anytime 24/7 for assistance from a highly experienced member of a our defense firm.