A Defense Team That Can Get You Results In Your Drug Case
Our firm is unlike that vast majority in Essex County, and even the state. We are eight (8) criminal lawyers who operate exclusive in the realm of representing individuals, including juveniles, who are accused of violating the law. We honestly are unaware of another juvenile offense defense firm (or criminal practice for that matter) that possesses this large a team. On top of it, at least four (4) of the lawyers are former prosecutors, and the staff has a combined experience of over 100 years. Unlike many firms on the internet who taut their abilities yet are unwilling to even disclose important qualifications like when they were licensed to practice law, there is no guess work with our firm. We are seasoned criminal lawyers with a long record of success in both basic and complex CDS cases.
Common Drug Possession Offenses Heard At The Essex County Juvenile Court in Newark NJ
Our team of defense lawyers handles all juvenile drug charges prosecuted at the Juvenile Delinquency Court. We offer representation in all school, car and other drug possession cases, including:
- Marijuana Possession
- Heroin Possession
- Prescription Drugs Possession, including Oxycodone/Oxycontin, Roxycontin, Suboxone, Adderall, Valium & Percocet
- MDNA Possession (e.g. ecstasy and molly)
- Inhalants
- Cocaine Possession
Illegal drugs can like these can have a devastating impact on a child. Fortunately, our experience has educated in not only the best ways to win drug cases but also the most effective strategies for combating addiction and/or abuse. If you are involved in such a battle with your son/daughter, our juvenile attorneys know how to help you.
Call Our Juvenile Drug Offense Defense Firm For The Help Your Child Deserves
There may be a host of emotions that you are experiencing at this point in time. Confusion, fear, and anxiety may be a few of them. Our lawyers are prepared to address your concerns and provide you with a thorough analysis concerning the drug charge your juvenile is facing and our perspective on the best way to address the situation. You can have confidence that our discussion and opinion is based on, in most cases, decades of experience handling possession cases just like yours. An attorney is available now for a free consultation at 973-710-1520.