If you are facing a criminal charge involving any variety of prescription drug in Essex County, our former prosecutors are skilled criminal attorneys that are ready to assist you in formulating an effective defense strategy. You should probably find this important since most cases involving drugs that require a medical prescription, not simply charges of intent to distribute hydrocodone or other opoids, carry the possibility of significant state prison time. A free consultation with an experienced lawyer at our Newark Firm, the Law Offices of Marshall, Bonus, Proetta & Oliver is probably something you should therefore strongly consider. Call us anytime of day or night at 973-710-1520.
Essex County NJ Prescription Drug Charges
One of the most rapidly growing areas of controlled dangerous substance (“CDS”) offense are those involving drugs that can only be prescribed in accordance with a prescription issued by a licensed physician. The primary reasons for the rise in prescription drug charges are their addictive nature, as well as the frequency in which they are prescribed. Just like other mind altering substances, certain medications can have the same effects on the human body and are prone to abuse because of the desire to repeat the feeling. This can lead to a variety of tactics by users to obtain these drugs in a manner which is contrary to the Controlled Dangerous Substance Act (“CSA”) and New Jersey Law. Common strategies include changing a prescription (e.g. filling in a higher dosage or a different quantity), forging one and/or a signature, stealing drugs, or distributing medication for a significant profit. The classes of prescription drugs most often involved in illegal activity include opiate pain medication, central nervous system depressants (e.g. Xanax, Valium, etc.), and stimulates like Adderall. Common prescription drug charges are:
- Possession of Prescription Drugs
- Distribution of Prescription Drugs
- Prescription Drug Forgery
- Theft of Prescription Drugs
- Obtaining CDS by Fraud
All of these offenses give rise to felony charges, as well as exposure to a state prison term. And prosecutors are motivated to enforce prescription drug laws to their fullest extent given the public outcry regarding what is now viewed as an epidemic. A qualified defense attorney is your best option in avoiding the pitfalls of a conviction and that is precisely what our firm, the Law Offices of Marshall, Bonus, Proetta & Oliver can offer you. Our team of former prosecutors and experienced lawyers know the ins and outs of battling first degree, second degree, and third degree prescription drug cases in Newark NJ and all of the municipal courts in the county.
Newark NJ Prescription Drug Defense Lawyers
All prescription drug offenses are indictable crimes (i.e. 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree). What this means is that while you may have been arrested in a town like Bloomfield, Millburn or Livingston, and have an initial arraignment scheduled in the related municipal court, all other proceedings will take place Newark NJ at the Essex County Superior Court. This venue is definitely one for the experienced and that is exactly what you get at the Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall. We have one of the largest and most experienced criminal defense teams in the entire state and our Newark office is located within walking distance of the courthouse. A lawyer on our staff is prepare to review the facts and circumstances of your case and to formulate an approach that will provide you with the best opportunity for a successful defense to the charge. Call us for a free consultation at 973-710-1520.
The Law Offices of Marshall, Bonus, Proetta & Oliver at One Gateway Center, Suite 2600, Newark, NJ 07102, defends all prescription drug crimes including those involving hydrocodone, oxycodone, vicodin, valium, xanax, percocet, ativan, demerol, zoloft, ambien, nembutal, ritalin, adderall and suboxone.